Procharter Wins Industry Award

Winners Announced!

The Air Transport Awards (AI Global) return to promote the companies and individuals who are soaring above the competition within this industry, intrinsic to the wellbeing and advancement of every nation across the globe.

Whether you are a global air freight company, commercial airline, private charter, aerial tour business or a provider of services and goods the air travel industry – the Air Transport Awards pays tribute to all who make significant contributions to the continuing success of this ever-evolving and challenging industry. rewarding key stakeholders for their dedication, innovation, and achievements from the past year.

As an independent awarding body, with a dedication to providing a level playing field for our nominees, business size and reach are not our sole criteria when assigning awards. At International Transport News, we take pride in the fact that each of our winners know their award has been earned for the quality of goods and services on offer.

A direct link to ProCharter’s award page.