Fokker 27 cargo freighter (6T payload) now available in Djibouti for adhoc charters

Fokker 27 cargo freighter (6T payload) now available in Djibouti for adhoc charters

Photo: By Aero Icarus from Zürich, Switzerland [©], via Wikimedia


Fokker 27 cargo plane (6T payload) now available in Djibouti for adhoc charters

ProCharter is pleased to announce the delivery of a Fokker 27 to Djibouti. Working closely with our partners in this project, a Fokker 27 cargo aircraft, with a payload of up to 6T, was identified as an excellent aircraft to meet the initial requirements, and arrived to a warm welcome from airport staff and local dignatories.

We specialize in providing solutions for conflict zones in the Middle East Central Asia Africa

Aircraft available for charter, lease and sale

Contact [email protected] for a quote.